The 2008 film
Blindness, directed by Fernando Meirelles, was based off the dystopian novel of the same title, by José Saramago. The movie portrays a society where blindness has become a mass epidemic. The first victim who's lost sight, is brought to a local doctor(Mark Ruffalo), who then in turn looses his sight also. When all those afflicted with blindness are sent into isolation, the doctor's wife(Julianne Moore) pretends to be blind in order to accompany him.
This trailer is truly effective, and depicts a dystopian society through film techniques, and the heroine. The trailer is effective, as it shows a scenario so bizarre, that those watching want to see more. The Doctor's wife, is clearly defined as the heroine. She is empowering and attempts to make a change, which is typical of a dystopian protagonist. By using an unrecognizable location, the audience is compelled to see the full movie. This is partly because it gives the movie an aura of mystery, but also because viewers will want to see if the epidemic occurs in a similar or relatable setting to where they live. Like many dystopian films, (excluding 1984), a specific mentioning of time is avoided. From the movie clips included in the trailer, we can tell the Doctor's Wife, is very loving and compassionate towards her husband, which makes her likeable. The transition from darker lighting during the depiction of the epidemic and the mistreatment of the blind, to the lighter shots when there's hope, provokes hope in the viewers as well as the characters.
For my group's dystopian trailer, we'll use some similar techniques to the
Blindness Trailer. Like
Blindness, I would like our heroine to be clearly defined, and relatable. I also want my location to be unrecognizable, so that even if we end up filming in school, our trailer will look unique. I would like our lighting and music to be exemplary of the changes in our plot. By using these techniques in our trailer, i think it could be great!