There are a lot of things about this topic which should be adressed, but haven't.
There's the fact that anybody can purchase a gun at a gun show, and not have to have a background check or register it,
People, when authorized, can carry guns on them in public, which could easily lead to an accident.
Of course, it isn't possible (as of now) to totally get rid of guns, but people's attitudes have gotten to be unreasonible. Those who are convinced that their 2nd ammendment rights mean that they can have as many guns as they like, and there shouldn't be any restrictions, are encouraging the misuse of guns and unruly ways of obtaining them.
Since the terrible massacre at Sandy Hook, more attention has been brought to the topic. People have been expressing their views:
It's clear that there are many sides to the gun control argument, but what's most important is citizen's safety. Is it worth having guns, when thousands of people die per year from it?
For me, the answer is no. I recognize I don't have all the facts, but life is a gift and there's absolutely no reason for so many of them to be wasted.
It's impoortant to remember there's NO SUCH THING AS GUN CONTROL.
You can't control others actions.
Even if someone's background check comes out fine, that doesn't mean they aren't a threat, or that other people who may have access to their gun aren't a threat. We can't control what the guns that are distributed are intended to do, or what they'll end up doing.
To learn more about gun control click HERE!
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