Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Super Size Me- Documentary Review

Happy New Year to all!

So apparently this post has been lying in my drafts. It was supposed to be posted by December 19th, which is totally my fault.

Here we go,

This film was truly scary. I had seen Super Size Me before, in 7th grade science, but i wanted to see the effects of unhealthy eating-which many people in Blair, my community, or even family take a part in.

Here's the trailer:

The main Character of the documentary is Morgan Spurlock, an American adult who wanted to test the effect of fast food on people's bodies. This led Spurlock into independent film making. He chose to eat McDonald's fast food, every meal, for 30 days! 

The documentary does a play by play of his life, meal habits  and his health. After the 30 day period ends Spurlock is over 24 pounds heavier, and is at a much higher risk for heart disease, and heart failure. 

An interesting aspect of Super Sizer Me, is Spurlock's relationship with his girlfriend, Alexandra Jamieson. She was constantly worried about his health, and as the doctors in the movie said, if he continued on with the fast food diet, he'd be on the path to death. Jamieson, who herself was a vegan, did not approve of the risks he was taking, After the 30 days ended, despite Spurlock's love of meat and craving for McDonald's, Jamieson was determined to make him healthy again and converted him to her vegan diet.

Another interesting aspect, was the cinematography. The camera was out of focus, shaky, and unprofessional for the entirety of the movie. However, it worked for it. This was just a normal guy making the film, and the camera's sloppiness didn't deteriorate the message of the movie. 

Thirdly, the graphs, charts, and animations showing Spurlock's change in health were very effective.  One animation showed the changes in his body from the first to 30th day. 
He gained 24.5 pounds, had a fatty liver etc. 
Here's a clip: 
I found this the most impressive and convincing part of the movie, because these were actual changes occurring in his body, proved by doctors  and medics, and definitely displaying how fast food is terrible for one's body. 

I really enjoyed this movie, it was humorous, informative, and shocking. when thinking about what Spurlock went through- I definitely want to cut back, or even cut out any fast food from my diet. I do recommend this movie, but only if you have a strong stomach (it gets gross in places). 

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